
佛山市依時利新科技有限公司位于中國廣東順德, 是一家專業(yè)伺服電動缸研發(fā)、加工生產(chǎn)和銷售為一體的創(chuàng)新型企業(yè)。 我們主要專注于生產(chǎn)各種類型的伺服電動缸(直線式,直角式,折返式)、三自由度平臺、六自由度平臺及配套產(chǎn)品,產(chǎn)品廣泛應(yīng)用于多種行業(yè)。同時致力于為客戶量身定做合適的產(chǎn)品。



Foshan World Safety Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Shunde, Guangdong, China, is a professional servo electric cylinder research and development, processing production and sales as one of the innovative enterprises. We are specializing in various types of servo electric cylinder (linear, reentry, right-angle), three-freedom platform, six degrees of freedom platform and ancillary products, products widely used in various industries. At the same time committed to tailor-made for customers the right products.

Welcome to contact us to discuss business, I will use the Secretary for first-class talent, first-class equipment, and first-class service, to provide you with efficient, reliable and safe products.



產(chǎn)品圖片Product images:


  1. 直線式電動缸Linear servo electric cylinder


  1. 折返式電動缸Reentry servo electric cylinder



  1. 直角式電動缸Right-angle servo electric cylinder




4.動感平臺Motion platform:

I.三自由度平臺3 DOF platform



II.6自由度平臺6 DOF platform
